Many people and groups are providing technology based services to help inform voters about the political system, about MPs and about candidates pre-election. Additionally others are looking at technology to support direct democracy.

Active Democracy Australia sees value in bringing these players together to share what is happening, to build synergies and to perhaps look at forming a community of practice in this field so we all can collaborate better.

This is our second webinar of this series, and will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 14th March at 6:30pm, Sydney time.

The agenda for the evening:

6:30 PMWelcome and introductory remarks10 min
6:40 PMSu Dharmapala, Polipedia20 min
7:00 PMCraig Blakley, Vote Easy20 min
7:20 PMQ&A20 min
7:40 PMClosing remarks5 min

The event is free but registration is required.

Su is the CEO of Polipedia, a digital data start-up headed by three women, which aims to become ‘the Google of politics’. The Polipedia website delivers political transparency and accountability for all.

Craig is the founder of Vote Easy, which was developed to make it easier for voters to connect with their official candidates and make an informed decision at the ballot box.

We hope you will join us and look forward to taking your questions in the Q&A. Once again, here’s the registration link:

Hope to hear from you and see you there.

Marcus, Peter, Mark, Rob