Sample invitation to a Kitchen Table Conversation

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Dear [Ali],

Invitation to a Kitchen Table Conversation

Our democracy is based on the belief that each one of us can play a constructive part as citizens in strengthening our society and working towards a rich and rewarding future together. To do this well, it helps to have opportunities to express our opinions and listen to the opinions of others in a respectful way.

I would be really pleased if you can join me and up to eight other people for a so-called Kitchen Table Conversation. The purpose is to deeply listen to each other, while sharing ideas about our future and how we might influence it. Kitchen Table Conversations provide the opportunity for enriched conversations which respect differences of opinion and values from people with a diversity of backgrounds. Through these lightly structured conversations with neighbours, friends, new acquaintances and work colleagues, we can enjoyably exchange ideas and opinions in an informal setting, and consider ways to strengthen our democracy, our community, and our confidence in the future.

I hope you will be able to join us for what promises to be interesting and enjoyable conversation. The topic for discussion and some conversation agreements that will guide us are included below.


Date and time

[Wed 12 Jan 2022]

[7pm – 9pm]


Location or Zoom link

[10 Sydney Street, Melbourne]


You can contact me to get a better idea of what it is about before you decide whether you would like to get involved. My mobile number is [0123 456 789].



[Sully O’Sullivan], [Robin Chan]



Please respond with a “yes please” or “no thanks” by [Mon 10 Jan 2022] to [].


Topics for this conversation

[What’s good about how our governments work?]

[How do you think our governments could work better?]

Code of conduct

Meetings with people with good intent can still come unstuck. A simple set of values can go a long way to achieving a friendly and productive conversation. We suggest the following:

  1. We accept that everyone is entitled to have a say
  2. We accept that people have a choice of whether to speak or just to listen
  3. We will make the effort to listen to one another and not interrupt
  4. We will try to stay on track, stick to the purpose of the conversation and end on time
  5. We will have an open attitude, looking for common ground we can agree on and taking an interest in the differing beliefs and opinions of others
  6. We respect people’s right to their opinions even if we disagree
  7. We will try at all times to be constructive and always be courteous and respectful


    Follow us on Twitter or get in touch with any comments, questions or suggestions you may have.