Active Democracy ACT
It’s time for our voices to be heard: Active Democracy is changing how our federal MPs work with and for us.
Join the movement to get your voice heard in government
Electorate Action in Australia’s Capital Territory
There are three federal electorates in the ACT: Fenner, Canberra and Bean. As well the ACT has two senators. That gives us five federal representatives to work with.
The three electorate groups work together through Active Democracy ACT to share ideas and resources.
Who are we?
Currently we are meeting regularly to plan how we invite more people to participate and grow the movement.
Unlike Voices4 and IndependentsCAN, Active Democracy focuses on working with existing MPs.
Active Democracy ACT (including Active Democracy Bean, Active Democracy Canberra and Active Democracy Fenner) are auspiced by the Canberra Alliance for Participatory Democracy
Our Values
Active Democracy ACT wants to be inclusive and welcoming, respectful, open and transparent, considered and informed, accountable to each other, accepting views from across the political spectrum with a focus on the wellbeing and the public good.
Working together to improve and strengthen Democracy for all should be safe and enjoyable. Our work together should show how it meets the needs of everyone in our community.
What Active Democracy ACT wants
Active Democracy ACT is part of a growing national movement to build more effective working relationships between communities and federal parliamentarians. In the ACT since 2017 we have 3 House of Representatives seats (Fenner, Canberra and Bean). These seats are tightly held by the Labor Party. The two Senate seats allocated to ACT always end up 1 Liberal and 1 Labor: a very predictable outcome.
Active Democracy ACT wants to be a part of the growing movement across federal electorates in Australia, to join others to:
- host conversations between electors in our electorates separate to those held by political parties and powerful interest groups
- design criteria for a suitable person to represent us with integrity and to hold them to account for what they do
- identify the issues that are most important to our electorate, as a local community and as a part of the broader nation
- collaborate with our fellow electors to help design the policies we want our elected representative to advocate for in the Parliament
Why is this so important?
The role of citizens in democracy goes beyond voting for a representative and then passing judgement on their performance a few years later at the ballot box. Democracy is weakened unless we take an active role and work with our representatives to ensure that the voices of the people are heard throughout the term of government. In recent times in Australia we have seen what can happen in a democracy when our representatives lose touch with us. It is time for citizens to take their rightful place in democracy.
The disenchantment and lack of trust in government that permeates Australian society could be overcome by countering the current dynamic that is characterised by powerful political parties, vested interests and deliberately confusing public information which result in community disengagement from politics.
There is power in ordinary people working with our members of parliament to achieve responsive, accountable and transparent public policy and implementation. When community members and their parliamentary representatives actively collaborate to prioritise issues and shape the policy agenda and assess outcomes, decisions that enhance our common good are more likely.
Community members can work together in active electorate groups with their local MPs to contribute to governance.
What other groups are active in the ACT?
proACT is working for an independent senator for the ACT.
To go to your electorate, click on the button below.
We would love you to join us and to talk with other people in the ACT who are trying to make our political system work better for us all. Even if you can’t join us now, and you want us to be successful, you can help by letting others know about us.
The more people participating together, the stronger we can be.